This is for our family that isn't as lucky as me and his daddy that get to see him every day :o) I will update it as much as I can to let everyone know how our sweet little boy is doing! Hope you enjoy, we love you!
- Wes, Niki, & Jackson

P.S. Leave us a comment, we love them :o)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A poop story...

This happened last week and I sent an email to my mom and a few other people... but I thought I'd share it with everyone because I laugh everytime I think about it now :o)

Since mom & Darlia get a laugh out of my poop stories... this is how my morning started off. Sorry, I know it's a little long but now that me and the baby are both clean, I can't stop laughing and I know after yesterday we could all use a laugh :o)

Jackson was fussy and sweating so I took his jammies off and gave him a bottle and wrapped him up with me in bed. We both fell asleep, and woke up around 9:30. Well, somehow the little darling got his diaper undone in his sleep so I woke up soaking wet. YAY! I got him all cleaned up and put him in his bouncer so I could check my email. 5 minutes later.... a smell I have come to know. Since I stopped breastfeeding, he can't take formula so we put him on Silk soymilk. It has done nothing but BAD things to the smell of his poop. I mean it. You don't want to have ANYTHING to do with that. The dogs have stopped going in his room it's so bad. The diaper genie can't even contain the smell, they have to go straight to the dumpster. Wes gags everytime the baby even poots. Weenie. Anyway... I have learned my lesson in letting him finish because my hand has been pooped on more than once. More than twice actually. So I let him sit in his bouncer for a few more minutes so he could finish. That was stupid. Bouncing makes things move up and down and out of the places they should be contained. I picked him up and saw it running down his leg. I layed him on his changing table and he immediately started rolling and flopping around like he does since he learned how to crawl a few days ago. It was the most poop I've seen him have. Ever. I usually make Wes help me hold him down when they are this bad because he gets his hands in it and on everything, but Wes went to work at 4 o'clock this morning. I put a plastic bag down and just started putting everything poop covered in there. I was trying to keep his hands out of it as much as possible but the child is ridiculously strong and still managed to get it all over his hands. His hands go straight to his face and mouth. And a few weeks ago he learned how to clap his hands and patty cake. YAY! I decided the best way to handle this was just to take him to the sink and hose him off. While I was emptying the sink with one hand and holding him in the other he managed to get his little poop covered fingers all over everything that was within reach. The water FINALLY got warm enough to put him under so I faced him towards me and stood him up in the sink. Do you know what happens when little boys get their peeps wet? Pee all over momma. YAY! I now have poop and pee all over me. At least he's laughing. I took him back to get him dressed again and didn't get to the plastic bag with the poop wipies in it fast enough. He grabbed it and got poop all over his hands again. YAY! After I got him dressed again I looked at his changing table and there is poop everywhere. On the pad, on the wipe warmer, on his clean diapers, and under my fingernails. This is how my morning started off. My house smells like poop... the Scentsy can't even cover this smell up. 3 clothes changes for both of us in 20 minutes later, he's laughing and playing in his playpen right now so I could tell you all about our morning... and I just realized I couldn't get the smell away from me and looked in the mirror... I have poop on my face.

I hope you all have a GREAT day! :o) I love you guys!

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