This is for our family that isn't as lucky as me and his daddy that get to see him every day :o) I will update it as much as I can to let everyone know how our sweet little boy is doing! Hope you enjoy, we love you!
- Wes, Niki, & Jackson

P.S. Leave us a comment, we love them :o)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lots of pictures today!

This is what we get to wake up to every morning :o)

Watching it rain

This is what kept him happy for about an hour today while I cooked lunch and cleaned the kitchen.

He made the FUNNIEST faces tonight while I was feeding him dinner! It was so cute :o)

I know this isn't a picture of Jackson... but it made me laugh :o)

Bath time!

His rubber ducky is delicious!

His mohawk is getting really tall :o)

Playtime before bed.

He loves his daddy! This picture makes my heart smile :o)

He fell off and he couldn't figure out how to get his foot off

Talkin to his car

Crazy tongue!

Watching TV with Daddy... slowly melting to sleep :o)

Melting a little more...

Melted :o)

He's started sleeping on his tummy. Night night :o)

1 comment:

  1. WoW what an amazing day! Thank you for shareing ya'lls time! I love the pictures.

